fractured foot comics
fractured foot comics v1 is the first in our zine club monthly series!
💫 ✨ big feelings on the internet 💫⚡️
fractured foot comics v1 is the first in our zine club monthly series!
cop city represents everything wrong with our nation’s policing. power to the people – stop cop city!
“Popularity is a double-edged sword.” – lowtax
I am finally talking about podcasts! This is the latest of several attempts to get back to blogging, and a good way to do that is by writing low-stakes posts full of my opinions! How long has this been sitting in drafts, you ask? ((should I have published this during October? Quite possibly!)) Don’t worry…
12 pages of facts about this amazing not-a-fruit!
from team sullibin comix, made for Ronnie’s 2021 Christmas gift.
from team sullibin comix, made for Ronnie’s 2021 Christmas gift.