
  • why Peak TV has me turned off

    illo by Ronnie Sullivan Confession: I have Peak TV exhaustion. Despite all my best efforts, I’ve failed to consume all the Highly Acclaimed Prestige Television required for admittance in our current cultural discussion. It’s not for lack of trying. I have subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. I inhaled BoJack Horseman, Stranger Things, and…

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  • thoughts on The Staircase and its portrayal of sexuality

    As a crime junkie, I’ve been meaning to watch The Staircase miniseries for what seems like forever. It is one of the more notorious did-he-do-it cases that the internet loves to argue about, but it’s never been particularly available until recently. (I mean, who has the Sundance Channel?) Luckily, Netflix has just released the follow…

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